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World Ocean Day 2021 - What does it mean to us?

Posted-on June 2021 By D'Arcy Roberts

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Earth's oceans are one of our most vital life sources and it is important to celebrate them. This is why every year since 2008, the 8th of June is dedicated to World Ocean Day. A day conceived in 1992 at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Earth Summit, as a time to reflect on and raise awareness of our reliance on our oceans and what we can do to better protect them.


World Ocean Day 2021 signals the beginning of the UN'S Decade on Restoration and of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (#generationrestoration). From 2021 to 2030, the global organisation is focusing on education and awareness-raising on the various options for saving the oceans, by implementing a call to action known as 30x30 to protect 30% of the world's ocean by 2030.


This year’s Ocean Day was yet again completely virtual due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. As with every year, the theme for Ocean Day was chosen to highlight the importance of the ocean to society. The UN's aim of the day was to create a relationship with the ocean that is "inclusive, innovative and informed by lessons from the past". This year's theme is The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods, as a reminder of what the ocean sustains.


Oceans are the things that make us human. They are the things that keep us breathing, the things that make us smile, the things that make us feel good.


They cover more than 70% of the planet, produce at least 50% of the world's oxygen, are home to most of the Earth's biodiversity and are the main source of protein for more than a billion people.

Oceans also absorb about 30% of man-made carbon dioxide and are therefore one of our greatest resources in fighting climate change.


By 2030, an estimated 40 million people will be employed by ocean-based industries, however, currently, we are extracting more from the ocean than can be replenished, with 90% of big fish populations depleted and 50% of coral reefs destroyed.

Despite these statistics, it is important not to feel defeated, or that we're too far gone. We're not. With our support nature is resilient, and this is what #generationrestoration and 30x30 is all about. There are many inspiring coral reef restoration successes taking place all over the globe, showing restoration is very possible, as long as we all do our bit.

Here at Marine Resources, we are reinforcing our pledge to the future of our oceans through our ongoing dedication to sustainability at home and in the workplace. Our team continues to spread the message and increase awareness to our customers and clients, friends and families in our collective journey to making changes as an industry. We have implemented a volunteer day-off beach litter picking scheme, we do our best to minimalise single-use plastics and to use environmentally friendly substitutes around the office and we work with our sustainability partners The Final Straw to improve ocean health.

People are coming together all around the globe from science centres, research institutes, governments, NGOs, businesses, schools and communities to plan events to raise awareness and education. As an individual, you can make changes like eating local, sustainably sourced fish, reducing your plastic pollution, taking part in beach clean-ups, reducing your carbon footprint by walking, or cycling more. It is also vital to be a responsible tourist when you visit coastal destinations by not engaging in activities that may harm the marine ecosystems. As the UN says 'we all have a role to play'.


World Ocean Day is a day to celebrate the ocean, but it is important to make a continual, consistent effort to consider the oceans, their marine life, and what we put into them.

Every day is Ocean Day!

The MR team