Top tips for video interview success
Posted-on March 2020 By
Do you have a video interview coming up and not sure how to prepare?
Here are our top tips to ensure you make the right impression and turn up for your video interview feeling confident and well prepared!
1. Treat it the same way as a face to face interview
Don’t let the fact that the interview is by video put you off. Whilst you may not be in the same room as the interviewer, it’s important to remember that usual interview etiquette applies.
2. Make sure you’re prepared
Research the company you are interviewing for and do your homework. Have a list of questions prepared, it shows you’re interested and want to know everything possible about your potential new role. Spend time reviewing their website, social channels and any related news to the company to show you understand and are passionate about their business.
3. Dress to impress
Just because the interview is online, don’t forget to dress just as you would for a face to face interview. Ensure you take time to think about your appearance and dress appropriately for the company you’re interviewing for. First impressions are just as important during a video interview!
4. Think about your location and background
Position your camera somewhere with a tidy and positive backdrop. Try to avoid washing in the background, or plates on the kitchen worktop and think about what the interviewer will see when they’re talking to you.
5. Test things are working properly
Check your internet speed and ensure you have all the contact details you need before the call. Is the recruiter calling you, do you have a shared link to click on? Ensure you’re ready ten minutes before in case there are any technical issues. We recommend having a test call with a friend beforehand to check the sound, camera position and lighting appear correctly.
6. Do not disturb.
Ensure no family members, or pets will disturb you during your call. Close windows to avoid outside noise and ensure all other applications are closed down on your computer and your phone is on silent!
7. Body language
As with any interview, your body language throughout is so important. Keep fidgeting to a minimum and ensure you work on good posture for the call. Sit up straight, but try not to look overly stiff, aim for a relaxed, natural approach.
8. Speak clearly and slowly
A really common problem for anyone who’s a bit nervous about speaking – whether at an interview, giving a presentation or just talking to someone – is going too fast. Nerves can make you rush through what you want to say to get it over and done with. Don’t let that happen. If it helps, prepare what topics you would like to cover to aid your nerves.
9. Stay engaged
When answering questions, try and stick to what’s been asked and give examples which are personal, unique and memorable. It helps to show you’re engaged and understand what’s being asked of you.
10. Be memorable
Finally, ensure the person interviewing you remembers who you are after the call. When giving examples, think about situations related not just to your work, but your hobbies and personal life too. Overall, try not to lose your unique personality and encourage the interviewer to think you’re the right person for the job.
Good luck!
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