Our new sustainability pledge!
Posted-on September 2019 By James Ward
We’re excited to announce that we have partnered with environmental charity the Final Straw Solent to improve our sustainability and reduce the amount of single-use plastic within our team.
Research shows that of all the plastic waste that has ever been produced, only 9% has been recycled. The message to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic is becoming more prevalent in everyday and business life.
At Marine Resources, we strongly believe that the people that should be shouting the loudest about ocean health and sustainability are those in the Marine industry. We are really excited to be taking positive steps to reduce the amount of plastic waste we create as a business and to be able to encourage others to do the same. Simple steps like banning single-use plastic bottles and coffee cups in the office and putting strong recycling processes in place will make a huge difference to how much waste we produce. We hope that the team will take these sustainable habits home and continue to spread the word.
We are beginning our journey by going single-use plastic free in the office and whilst out and about at all trade shows and meetings. The Final Straw Solent is working with us to help make the business more sustainable. As a simple starting point, each team member has been supplied with a reusable water bottle, coffee cup and a set of beeswax wraps.
Over the last year, we estimated that we used 400 rolls of toilet paper, equating to 12.5 miles of paper and the loss of two trees. We disposed of approximately 1000 plastic bags and used 260 plastic milk bottles. We are switching to more sustainable bamboo toilet paper, refillable cleaning products, the removal of all plastic bags, milk being delivered by our local milk man and central recycling points in the office rather than individual bins to encourage proper recycling practices.
Bianca Carr from Final Straw Solent is pleased with the collaboration. 'This positive change needs to be celebrated and we hope other businesses will follow suit. By conducting a single-use plastic and waste audit in the office at Marine Resources, it really helped to identify areas where sustainable switches can be made. With these figures being available we can measure the direct impact of the changes that are being made.'
As we continue our partnership with the Final Straw Solent over the coming months, workshops and presentations to our staff will ensure that our team stay informed on sustainability. The team will also spread this ethos to our clients, who will be invited to share their environmental policies with us, so they are available for prospective recruits to view. In addition, we’ll offer our clients support from the Final Straw Solent to grow and further their 'green' credentials.
We’ll keep you posted with our progress!
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